Elicina Scar Reducing Cream is a truly natural skin care product - made from the secretion of chilean snails - but we'll start straight off by saying the finished product is a lovely white smooth hypoallergenic cream with no odour or 'slimyness'. Elicina is a multi-purpose skin renewal and repair cream. and has been reported to be very effective on scars, wrinkles, acne, burns, age spots, warts and minor cuts
Elicina Scar Reducing Snail Cream is a cosmetic and dermatological skin regeneration cream. Elicina contains the most valued skin repairing ingredients and is proven to accelerate the natural healing process of the skin. Elicina is suitable for all skin types and offers help to sufferers of:
Fine facial lines and wrinkles - use with moisturiser - only a tiny amount is needed
Acne and pimples - Apply Elicina Cream twice a day to your thoroughly cleansed skin to speed the process of eliminating acne bacteria within your skin follicles and to repair acne scarring.
Stretch marks - helps with removal of new and old stretch marks - use Elicina twice a day - an improvement shoud be seen within 2 - 8 months
Scars, healed burns, keloids, Elicina can help reduce scar tissue inflammation
Pock marks and surface roughness
Age spots and hyperpigmentation
Skin irritations
Ingrown hair